Wednesday, November 16, 2011

USF / Donohue Rare Book Room / Typography (Art 205-03) resources

Johann Gutenberg
A Noble Fragment: Being A Leaf of the Gutenberg Bible, 1450-1455 (New York: Gabriel Wells, 1921). Z241.B58 N5

Johannes Fust and Peter Schoffer
The 1462 Fust & Shchoeffer Bible: An Essay by Eberhard Koenig; Introduction by Christopher deHamel, with an Original Leaf from the 1462 Bible (Akron: Bruce Ferrini; Evanston: Hamill Baker, 1993). Z241.B585 K66 1993

Nicolas Jenson
Mammotrectus Super Bibliam (Venetiis; N. Jenson, 1479). BS417.M36 1479

William Caxton
An Original Leaf from the Polycronicon Printed by William Caxton at Westminster in the year 1482. The Life and Works of William Caxton, with an Historical Reminder of Fifteenth Century England / by Benjamin P. Kurtz; with a Note on the Polycronicon by Oscar Lewis & an Appreciation of William Caxton by Edwin Grabhorn (San Francisco: Book Club of California, 1938). Z232.C38 K9

Anton Koberger
Virgil. Opera: cum Servii Mauri Honorati Gramatici / Aelii pi.e. Tiberii Claudii] Donati, Christophori Landini, … Domitii Calderini Commentariis (Nurnberge: Anthonii Koberger, 1492). PA6801.A2 1492

Liber Chronicarum (Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 12 July 1493). CE57.S3 1493

Aldus Manutius
Aristophanes. Aristophanous Komodiai Ennea = Aristophanis Comoediae Novem (Venetiis: apud Aldum, 1498). PA 3875.A2 1498

Martial. Martialis (Venetiis: In aedibus Aldi, mense Decembri, 1500 [i.e. 1501]). PA6501.A2 1501

Juvenal. Juvenalis, Persius (Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi, 1501). PA6446.A2 1501

Lactantius. L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Divinarum Institutionum Librum Septum (Venetiis: In aediubus Aldi, et Andreae Soceri, mense Aprili, 1515). BR65.L26 1515

John Baskerville
Jubvenal. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae (Birminghamiae: typis Johannis Baskerville, 1761). PA6446.A2 1761

Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis (Birminghamiae: typis Johannis Baskerville, 1766). PA 6804.A2 1766

Baskerville’s Milton (Birmingham: Printed by J. Baskerville, for J. and R. Tonson, in London, 1758). PR3560 1758

John Pine
Virgil. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica et Georgia / Tabulis Aeneis Olim a Johanne Pine Sculptore Region Defunto Illustrate; Opus Paternum in Lucem Profert Robertus Edge Pine (Londini: Iohannes Pine, 1774). PA6804.A2 1774

Horace. Quinti Hoarti Flacci Opera (Londini: aeneis tabulis incidit Iohannes Pine, 1733-37). PA6393.A2 1733

Pierre & Firmin Didot
Charles de Secondat baron de Montesquieu. Oeuvres Mêleés et Posthumes de Montesquieu (Paris: de l’imprimerie et de la fonderie stéréotypes de Pierre Didot l’ainé et de Firmin Didot, 1807). PQ2011.A14

Catholic Church. Le Ivre D’heures de la Reine Anne de Bretagne / Trauit du Latin et Accompagné de Notices Inédites par M. L’abbé Delaunay (Paris : L. Curmer, 1861). BX2080.A5 F8 1861

Vincent Figgins
Jacobus de Cessolis. The Game of Chesse by William Caxton; a Facsimile Reproduction of the First Work Printed in England, From the Copy in the British Museum (London: Trübner, 1862). GV1442.C413 1862

Kelmscott Press
Geoffery Chaucer. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: Now Newly Imprinted (Hammersmith: printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1896). PR1850 1896

Golden Cockerel Press (Eric Gill)
The Four Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ According to the Authorized Version of King James I, with Decorations by Eric Gill (Waltham Saint Lawrence, Berkshire: Golden Cockerel Press, 1931). BS2553.G5 1931

Bruce Rodgers
Homer. Odyssey (London: E. Walker, W. Merton, B. Rogers, 1932).
PA4025.A5 L3 1932

Frederic W. Goudy
The Song of Songs, with woodcuts by James Reid (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1931). BS1483.R4 1931

Stanley Morison
The Roman Italic & Black Letter Bequeathed to the University of Oxford by Dr. John Fell (Oxford: Printed for the Typophiles at the University Press, 1951). Z250.A2 F31

James Moran. Stanley Morison: His Typographic Achievement (London, Lund Humphries, 1971). Z250.A2 M69

Type Designs of the Past and Present (London: The Fleuron, 1926). Z250.A2 M859

The Typographic Book, 1450-1935: A Study of Fine Typography Through Five Centuries, with an Introductory Essay By Stanley Morison and Supplementary Material by Kenneth Day (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963). Z250.M862

Chrisophe Plantin. An Account of Calligraphy & Printing in the Sixteenth Century From Dialogues Attributed to Christopher Plantin, Printed and Published by Him at Antwerp, in 1567 / French and Flemish Text in Facsimile, English Translation and Notes by Fay Nash; and Foreword by Stanley Morison (Cambridge, Mass.: Department of Printing and Graphic Arts, Harvard College Library, 1940). HYPERLINK ",-1,,E/browse" Z43.P74 1940  

The Craft of Printing: Notes on the History of Type-Forms, etc (London: Pelican Press, 1921). Z250.A2 M84 1921

Secondary Sources:
Adrian Wilson. The Making of the Nuremberg chronicle by Adrian Wilson, Assisted by Joyce Lancaster Wilson; introd. By Peter Zahn (Amsterdam: Nico Israel, 1976, 1978 printing). Z241.S31 W52

Giambattista Bodoni. Manuale Tipografico, 1788 / Facsimile a Cura de Giovanni Mardesteig (Verona: Officina Bodoni, 1968). Z232.B66 A23 1968

Roy Brewer. Eric Gill: The Man Who Loved Letters (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1973). Z250.A2 G53 1973 c.2

Pierre Simon Fournier. Caractères de L’imprimerie, Nouvellement Gravés / par S.P. Fornier le jeune (London: Printing Historical Society, 1971). Z250.F66 1971

Jean Jannon. The 1621 Specimen of Jean Jannon: Paris & Sedan, Designer & Engraver of the Caractères de L’Université now Owned by the Imprimerie Nationale, Paris / Edited in Facsimile With an Introduction by Paul Beaujon (London : Maggs Bros, 1927). Z250.J34 1927

Jan Tschichold. Treasury of Alphabets and Lettering : A Source of the Best Letter Forms of Past and Present for Sign Painters, Graphic Artists, Commercial Artists, Typographers, Printers, Sculptors, Architects, and Schools of Art and Design (New York: Reinhold, 1966). Z250.T883
A Pair on Printing: Atkyns’ The Original and Growth of Printing, William Caslon and the First English Type Specimen Book: Reproduced in Facsimile, with Introductions by Carey S. Bliss (North Hills, Pa.: Bird & Bull Press, 1982). Z151.P35 1982

The Fleuron : A Journal of Typography Edited by Stanley Morison (Cambridge, England: The University Press; New York: Doubleday Doran & Co., 1923-1930). Z119.F62

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